Garage Plus Storage, Spanaway, WA

 With an all metal exterior finish, including the siding trim and building for the "Garage Plus Storage" project was an interesting project. The schedule was the tightest we have ever seen for a project with this amount of detail work. 

All Metal Construction's involvement was assisting Paul Holmes, owner of Kiwi Storage Systems. Our portion of  the project was to help erect the heavy steel for the double story RV storage building and install the exterior finishes which included the intricate trim, wall sheeting and roof sheeting on the Office and Clubhouse buildings.

Office building 


Double story RV building

Clubhouse building


Clubhouse building showing a close-up of the intricate trim work we did.


Double story RV building

 All Metal Construction 7960 B Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003

  Copyright 2016 All Metal Construction


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